Serving OpenLM EasyAdmin using Apache HTTP Server
OpenLM is an application dedicated to the management of Macrovision FLEXnet (Globetrotter FLEXlm). EasyAdmin is OpenLM's reporting component and it is an Http based application. EasyAdmin can be viewed with Internet browser from any station in the network.
By default, EasyAdmin is installed together with OpenLM Server and it is served by a dedicated HTTP server, which is also distributed with OpenLM Server install pack. After your organization decides to use OpenLM, we recommend to serve OpenLM EasyAdmin application by your organizational HTTP server in order to allow access to FLEXlm reports from any site.
This short guide outlines the steps required in order to serve your OpenLM EasyAdmin application by using your Apache HTTP server. In this guide we assume that Apache is not located on the same server as OpenLM. If your Http Server is located on on the same server as OpenLM Server it is recommended to create a Virtual Directory instead of copying the EasyAdmin Folder as demonstrated here.
The OpenLM EasyAdmin will be installed under the default web site, and will be accessed by using the following URL: http://<server name>/EasyAdmin
Step 1: Copy EasyAdmin folder from OpenLM installation folder to the Apache HTDOCS folder
Step 2: Start OpenLM EasyAdmin using url http://localhost:82/EasyAdmin/openlm_easy_admin.html
OpenLM is now published under the default web site of your organizational server. Every system administrator or permitted user can now access FLEXlm reports, release orphaned licenses, draw usage charts, watch FLEXlm statistics, list active FLEXlm users and query the usage patterns of any specific user.
OpenLM EasyAdmin is included in every version of the OpenLM software system. OpenLM light version includes the EasyAdmin application as well, however it comes with less reporting options compared to the full OpenLM versions: OpenLM Utilizer for FLEXlm and OpenLM for ESRI ArcGIS. When using OpenLM with all its unique features, you should save a lot of money by greatly improving the use of your expensive FLEXlm licenses.