Wednesday, August 19, 2009

New Features in Version 1.5.4 of OpenLM

 New Features in Version 1.5.4 of OpenLM

This article describes the new features in version 1.5.4 of OpenLM.


More control over database upgrade - When upgrading OpenLM from previous versions it usually involves database upgrade. Until now the database upgrade program was a part of the installation program of the new version. Starting from version 1.5.4 the installation program is a separate program that the user can choose to activate as a part of the installation. The user can also choose upgrade later and execute the database upgrade program separately.

Support for Users Groups - OpenLM System now supports reporting by users groups. This is an extension to the system and it is licensed separately. The main interface of this feature is the new OpenLM User Management application. More interfaces can be found in OpenLM EasyAdmin.

Support for Projects - OpenLM now allows an organization to analyze usage time according to projects. This is an extension to the system and it is licensed separately. The main interface of this feature is the new OpenLM User Management application. More interfaces can be found in OpenLM EasyAdmin and OpenLM Agent (Will be explained in details later).

New modules

OpenLM Users Management

A system that allows system administrators to manage users groups and projects. The system was developed using Java so it can be installed on any operating system.
The system does not need to be installed where OpenLM server is installed, it can be installed on any workstation on the network. It communicates with OpenLM Server using HTTP protocol and allows easy and quick editing of users information. Although the system can be installed on multiple workstations more than one user can't update the system information at the same time.

The module supports the following actions:

  • Create/Edit/Delete users, groups and projects.

  • List/Query and manage users, groups and projects.

  • Relate users to groups. One user may be related to zero, one or many group(s).

  • Define default group to each user.

  • Relate users to projects. One user may be related to zero, one or many project(s).

  • Define default project to each user.

We are planning to add the ability to import/synchronize groups information from LDAP databases (Windows Active Directory).

OpenLM Alerts

A module that alerts system administrators on problems with their licensing systems. It checks conditions defined by system administrators and sends messages using email or SMS.

Since the module is monitoring the components of the licensing system including OpenLM Server and FLEXlm Servers we recommend to install it on another machine. The system is composed on two parts: the conditions editor and the alerter service.

The conditions editor allows system administrators to define conditions on one or more components like servers, vendor daemons, features. The first release of the system contains two types of conditions:

  • Threshold conditions - Allows conditions like: If the usage rate of feature <feature_name> higher then <percent>.

  • Duplicate License Usage - Will alert when one user is using the same feature on more then one workstation.

The module allows the user to define different severity levels to the defined conditions:

The module supports three types of destinations for sending messages to the end user:

  1. EasyAdmin Alerts window on the "control panel" tab.

  2. E-mail address.

  3. Any phone by SMS.

The module allows the user to limit send times according to the hour on which the event occurred. This way the user can define that an email will be sent if the condition is met during work hour and later - an SMS will be sent.

OpenLM Alerts Service runs on a windows machine and checks the defined conditions. We recommend to consider these aspects when designing your alerts system installation:

  1. OpenLM Alerts checks the alert with OpenLM Server that sometimes has to perform complex queries in order to generate the information. We recommend to define on needed alerts and the check frequency should be as low as possible.

This is the first release of OpenLM Alerts system. We are looking forward to hearing your feedback on it. Please send your feedback to

Changed Modules

OpenLM Agent

OpenLM Agent is the end user tool of OpenLM System. All OpenLM customers are licensed to unlimited installations of OpenLM Agents on users workstations. OpenLM is an optional component but customers that use it report saving in administration time, satisfied user and better utilization of licenses.
We are constantly adding new applications to OpenLM Agent. In version 1.5.4 we added the ability to report active project in order to implement project billing system for FLEXlm licensed software. The software will allow the end user to set the active project from a simple and user-friendly form. The form can be opened manually from OpenLM Icon located on Windows notification are or pop up automatically when the user activates his licensed software.

The system administrator has total control over the behavior of OpenLM Agent. All options are available on OpenLM Server Configuration Form.

Updates to OpenLM EasyAdmin

The ability to choose export parameters - In previous versions, export option on OpenLM EasyAdmin tabs automatically created a file without the ability to choose the date format. In version 1.5.4 the user is able to select the exported file name, time format and timezone.

Total time was added to user activity tab - OpenLM EasyAdmin will accumulate and display the total usage time according to the user queries.

Reports tab was added and at version 1.5.4 it offers reports for projects and groups.

Updates to OpenLM Log Reader

Timezone configuration for FLEXlm servers - The configuration is now automatic and it does not rely on the FLEXlm server time settings.

What is new in version 1.5.4 of OpenLM

What is new in version 1.5.4 of OpenLM?

OpenLM Version 1.5.4 is a major release that adds important new features to OpenLM System and features overall under the hood improvement. The system is now faster, more accurate and reliable. The release also contains bug fixes for problems found in version 1.5.3.

Users Groups - License usage reporting according to users groups is now available. System managers can define different users groups and produce usage reports according to these groups. This functionality allows organization to accurately divide FLEXlm licensed software maintenance costs between departments, branches or subsidiaries.

Project reporting made easy - Many project oriented companies want to to know how many FLEXlm licensed software each project consumed. Until now the only way to do that was the use of the LM_PROJECT environment variable. OpenLM now allows a more convenient and accurate method based on OpenLM Agent. System managers can relate one or more projects to each user and the end user will be able to use OpenLM's Agents interface to set the active project. Advanced methods were implemented in order to assure accurate reporting.

FLEXlm billing - FLEXlm billing for User Groups or Project is now available in EasyAdmin.

Data export options - When exporting information from OpenLM the user can now control the export file name, timezone and time format.

More control over database upgrade - When upgrading OpenLM from
previous versions it usually involves database upgrade. Until now the
database upgrade program was part of the installation program of the
new version. From version 1.5.4 the installation program is a separate
program that the user can choose to activate and part of the
installation. The user can also choose upgrade later and execute the
database upgrade program separately.

Better control on the agent silent install - There are more command line parameters available.

Easier installation and configuration of OpenLM Log Reader - The process is easier due to a menu driver interface and automatic settings of FLEXlm server timezone.

More reports - New reports tab in EasyAdmin provides more reports to system managers.

The groups, projects and billing features are an optional features that require additional licensing. All other features are available with no additional charge for customers under valid maintenance contract.

What is new in version 1.5.4 of OpenLM

What is new in version 1.5.4 of OpenLM?

OpenLM Version 1.5.4 is a major release that adds important new features to OpenLM System and features overall under the hood improvement. The system is now faster, more accurate and reliable. The release also contains bug fixes for problems found in version 1.5.3.

Users Groups - License usage reporting according to users groups is now available. System managers can define different users groups and produce usage reports according to these groups. This functionality allows organization to accurately divide FLEXlm licensed software maintenance costs between departments, branches or subsidiaries.

Project reporting made easy - Many project oriented companies want to to know how many FLEXlm licensed software each project consumed. Until now the only way to do that was the use of the LM_PROJECT environment variable. OpenLM now allows a more convenient and accurate method based on OpenLM Agent. System managers can relate one or more projects to each user and the end user will be able to use OpenLM's Agents interface to set the active project. Advanced methods were implemented in order to assure accurate reporting.

FLEXlm billing - FLEXlm billing for User Groups or Project is now available in EasyAdmin.

Data export options - When exporting information from OpenLM the user can now control the export file name, timezone and time format.

More control over database upgrade - When upgrading OpenLM from
previous versions it usually involves database upgrade. Until now the
database upgrade program was part of the installation program of the
new version. From version 1.5.4 the installation program is a separate
program that the user can choose to activate and part of the
installation. The user can also choose upgrade later and execute the
database upgrade program separately.

Better control on the agent silent install - There are more command line parameters available.

Easier installation and configuration of OpenLM Log Reader - The process is easier due to a menu driver interface and automatic settings of FLEXlm server timezone.

More reports - New reports tab in EasyAdmin provides more reports to system managers.

The groups, projects and billing features are an optional features that require additional licensing. All other features are available with no additional charge for customers under valid maintenance contract.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Sample list of systems supported by OpenLM

A new blog post in the Official OpenLM Blog list leading software systems supported by OpenLM.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

How OpenLM threshold works

How OpenLM threshold works


OpenLM for ESRI ArcGIS implements a TIMEOUT feature for ESRI ArcGIS software that uses FLEXlm software for licensing. The activity of the TIMEOUT feature is based on two parameters, maximum idle time and threshold.

Maximum idle time (minutes) - Set the maximum time that ESRI ArcGIS software will not be closed, even if the software is not in use (idle). The software may be closed after that time, if the usage is above a set level (threshold).

Threshold (percent) - The usage level that above it OpenLM will start to release ESRI ArcGIS FLEXlm licenses.

How it works?

OpenLM monitors the usage level of each FLEXlm feature and once the usage level is above the set threshold, OpenLM will gracefully close sessions, starting with the ones that are idling longer. Once the usage level drops below the set threshold, OpenLM Server will not close more idling sessions.

From the end user's point of view, his ESRI ArcGIS project will be saved and then closed. A pop-up message will announce that the project was closed and will allow the user to reopen the project in a single click. The user can also click OpenLM Agent located on the end user desktop and get the list of all recently closed projects.


The combination of the threshold/maximum idle time is a simple system that assures that licenses will be available for users that need licenses while trying to minimize the number of closed sessions.

Since the act of closing idle sessions of ArcGIS Desktop can cause some inconvenience OpenLM, is trying to minimize the number of closed sessions. If there is no need for the Desktop ArcGIS licenses then the software can stay idling for very long periods of times. On the other hand OpenLM Server must assure that a sufficient number of licenses are available for new users that may try to access the software.

Let us use and example:

ESRI ArcView Licenses - 100
ESRI ArcInfo Licenses - 10
ESRI ArcGIS Spatial Analyst - 3

The default OpenLM Values are:

Threshold - 80%
Maximum idle time - 20 Minutes

Starting with the ArcView licenses, OpenLM will try to keep 20 licenses free for new users. Since 400 or more users can use a pool of 100 ESRI ArcGIS concurrent licenses. Keeping an amount of 20 free licenses available for new users makes sense.

With a total of 10 licenses available, OpenLM will try to keep two free licenses of ESRI ArcInfo ready for new users. Assuming that 8 licenses were already consumed, if more then two users try to access the ESRI ArcInfo licenses at the same time, some will get a FLEXlm denial. If two or less users request an ArcInfo license at the same time, their request will be fulfilled and then OpenLM will try to release idle sessions for more new users.

Because of the low number of Spatial Analyst licenses, OpenLM will only keep one floating license free for new users. This is because when two licenses are in use the usage rate is only 66% (less than 80%). Only when the third floating license is consumed the usage rate will be 100% and OpenLM will try to release one license for new users.

As shown above, the threshold mechanism works well for both high and low numbers of ESRI ArcGIS concurrent licenses.

Is there any benefit in applying different timeout values for different features?

Let us assume we have two FLEXlm features with different groups of users for each group: editing users that use ESRI ArcInfo and viewers the use ESRI ArcView.

Feature     Licenses   Users
ArcView         10        40
ArcInfo          10        20

With a threshold of 80% OpenLM will try to keep two (2) free licenses for each FLEXlm feature (ArcView and ArcInfo). Since there are less users that are sharing the ArcInfo FLEXlm feature (10 licenses for 20 users), there are more chances that less then 8 licenses will be concurrently in use. When the usage is bellow the set threshold, no sessions will be closed by OpenLM and by that, we actually extend the maximum idle time parameter.

If the usage rate of the FLEXlm ArcInfo feature is higher then the set threshold, 80%, a higher time out will not allow OpenLM to release idle licenses. The result is that we allowed idle users to hold licenses that are required by other users, and by that, avoided them from doing their work.

The conclusion is that timeout should be kept minimal and uniform to all features and user groups.


The timeout mechanism provided by OpenLM for ESRI ArcGIS is based on two parameters, "maximum idle time" and threshold. The combination of these two parameters provides a good solution for FLEXlm features with both high and small number of licenses. The timeout value should be kept minimal (15-20 minutes) for all FLEXlm features and user groups.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

SAMreport Alternative

SAMreport is a license reporting tool used in conjunction with the FLEXlm license server. It is a report generator that reports the license usage of FLEXnet-licensed applications.

SAMreport reports license use is based on license activity recorded in the FLEXnet report logs, and on selected criteria that include product and feature name, user, date and time, and display or host.

The reports provided by SAMreport belong to three report families:

Macrovision (that sold its software business to Acresso) has retired SAMreport at the end of 2007 and has replaced it with FLEXnet Manager which is a complete management system for FLEXLm. The price of FLEXnet Manager is much higher then SAMreport or OpenLM price.

OpenLM Utilizer provides the most cost/effective solution for managing and tracking usage of FLEXlm floating licenses. It includes all the functionality of the retired SAMreport and a lot more:
  1. All information is stored in a relational database instead of flat files.
  2. FLEXlm management functionality like listing active users/removing uses/alerts on license expiration and more.
  3. Web based interface.
  4. Support for multiple servers/time zones.
  5. End user tool - OpenLM Agent.
  6. And more..

The fully functional OpenLM Utilizer software is available for download and evaluation at OpenLM website.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Sunday, April 12, 2009

OpenLM System - technical overview

A new presentation that gives an overview of the technical aspects of OpenLM system was published.

The presentation can be watched at: